Menopause treatment Union City, NJ - Balance Hormone Clinic

Understanding Menopause and Its Symptoms

Menopause is a natural transition that all women go through, marking the end of the reproductive years. The menopause experts at Balance Hormone Clinic understand that while this transition is normal, it can come with disruptive symptoms that impact quality of life.

Defining Menopause

The medical definition of menopause is when a woman has not had a menstrual period for 12 consecutive months. The years leading up to menopause are called perimenopause, which is when hormone levels begin to fluctuate and decline.

Key signs of perimenopause include:

While some symptoms are manageable for some women, they can be severe and disruptive for others - negatively impacting work, relationships, and overall wellbeing. Proper menopause care and treatment can make all the difference.

Our services

Understanding Hormone Changes

The root cause of menopausal symptoms stem from changing hormone levels - mainly estrogen and progesterone.

Estrogen levels can begin declining 2-8 years before a woman's final period. As ovaries produce less estrogen, this can lead to symptoms like hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and emotional changes. Lower estrogen also impacts bone health over time, increasing risk of osteoporosis.

Progesterone levels also decline with perimenopause. This imbalance between estrogen and progesterone is key. Women depend on these hormones being balanced. When out of balance, women can struggle with symptoms like fatigue, sleep trouble, anxiety, and depression.

The menopause experts at Balance Hormone Clinic specialize in hormone testing and hormone therapy to restore balance and relieve symptoms. Read on to learn more.

Finding the Right Menopause Specialist for You

Choosing the right menopause specialist is key to finding the right treatment plan for your symptoms and hormone needs. The best menopause specialist for you should:

The menopause experts at Balance Hormone Clinic check all these boxes and prioritize exceptional, individualized care for women. We are a trusted menopause clinic serving women throughout Union City and surrounding cities.

Our Approach and Areas of Expertise Include:

We also provide nutritional support, lifestyle guidance for better sleep, diet, exercise, and stress management. Our goal is to educate and empower you to make this transition smoothly.

If you're struggling with perimenopause or menopause, we encourage you to learn more about Balance Hormone Clinic. Call to schedule a consultation today with one of top Bay Area's menopause experts.

Take control of your menopause symptoms today!

Key Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy

While menopause is inevitable, you don't have to suffer through symptoms or consequences like osteoporosis. Our customized bioidentical hormone therapy (also called hormone replacement therapy or HRT) provides immense benefits for women at this stage.

Benefits Include:

The right bioidentical hormone therapy lets women thrive through perimenopause and beyond. Our menopause experts provide safe, effective treatment tailored to your needs with regular follow up care.

What Tests Are Needed Before Starting Treatment?

The first step our Balance Hormone Clinic menopause clinic takes with every patient is specialized lab testing. This gives us insight into your hormone levels and health markers to determine if hormone imbalance could be causing your symptoms.

Testing typically includes:

Hormone Levels:

Health Markers Affected by Hormones:

Many providers assume menopause without thorough testing or only order partial testing. Our experts take a comprehensive, proactive approach to accurately assessing hormone balance and health status before creating customized treatment plans. We re-test hormones throughout treatment too.

This allows us to be precise and strategic based on lab results - not guessing. Testing gives us objective data, so we know therapy is biologically needed and can track progress. Our goal is to optimize hormone levels to relieve symptoms and reduce health risks associated with hormone deficiency long-term.

We also consider lifestyle factors like sleep, stress, nutrition and use cutting edge therapies like peptide treatment for healing, recovery, and balanced hormone levels.

Starting Treatment

Once testing is complete, your Balance Hormone Clinic menopause specialist will determine with you the right approach based on:

Then we develop a customized hormone balancing protocol. The standard foundation therapies we use to restore hormone levels are:

These bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as your natural hormones. So your body recognizes and utilizes them more efficiently.

We offer convenient forms like oral tablets, topical gels, vaginal inserts and pellet implants placed under the skin for steady dosing that lasts 3-6 months. Follow up testing and exams ensure your plan stays customized to you as you go through transitions to postmenopause.

Our goal is for you to feel like your best self again. We empower women to embrace this new chapter feeling balanced, beautiful and healthy.

Key Takeaway: Unlike other clinics, our blood testing allows for precision hormone therapy instead of "one-size-fits-all" approaches. We craft integration functional medicine and innovative technologies with bioidenticals and nutrition tailored to YOU.

Interesting fact

Many women are unaware that cognitive behavioral therapy has been shown in studies to significantly reduce the severity and frequency of hot flashes. This non-hormonal treatment helps women change negative thought patterns and manage stress, resulting in fewer bothersome menopause symptoms without medication side effects.

Lifestyle Steps That Support Treatment Success

Hormone therapy gets to the root biological cause of menopausal symptoms. However, lifestyle habits also play an important role in how smoothly you transition through perimenopause and beyond.

Here are some additional lifestyle steps we educate women on that work synergistically with hormone therapy:


Prioritizing high quality sleep supports healthy hormone balance and function. Avoid screens before bed, create an optimal sleep environment, and try relaxation techniques. Melatonin supplements can also help regulate sleep wake cycles.

Nutrient-Dense Diet

Eating a Mediterranean-style diet full of produce, healthy fats, lean protein, and fiber stabilizes blood sugar, fuels cells properly, and provides nutrients that aid hormone activity - like magnesium and vitamin E for managing hot flashes.

Stress-Relieving Self-Care

Managing stress through regular self-care activities you enjoy minimizes the hormone cortisol. Excess cortisol worsens menopause symptoms and impacts thyroid hormones. Try daily movement, meditation, massage, counseling, sauna, journaling etc.

Regular Exercise

Staying physically active with weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercise provides a host of benefits - better sleep, stable weight, enhanced mood and energy, cardiovascular protection, lower inflammation and reduced risk of diabetes, cancer and osteoporosis.

When women implement foundational healthy lifestyle habits like these - combined with our individualized hormone balancing protocols - they achieve the best possible treatment results and transition smoothly into the next season of life. Lifestyle and biology work together.

Key Takeaway: Our integrative care model goes beyond hormones alone. We empower women with nutritional, fitness, stress reduction guidance for comprehensive menopausal support.

Discover relief from menopause symptoms today!

Balance Hormone Clinic Menopause Clinic: Caring for Women in Union City and Surrounding Cities

Balance Hormone Clinic was founded by top Bay Area menopause specialists seeking to provide exceptional care that optimizes health, beauty and vitality uniquely for each woman. We understand the profoundly positive difference individualized treatment makes for this transitional life stage.

That's why we opened our Union City office - to make our compassionate, integrative hormone therapy more accessible to communities throughout the East Bay.

Why Women Trust Us:

We strive for life-changing results by addressing the root physiological cause of hormonally-driven symptoms, while also providing today's most advanced science and technologies.

Trust us to be your partner for relief, answers and hope during this transition and beyond. Call today to learn more and schedule your consultation. Discover how balanced hormones and proactive health can change everything this next chapter of womanhood.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the first signs of perimenopause I should look out for?

The most common first signs are changes in your menstrual cycle - periods become irregular, heavy or light, lasting longer or shorter than normal. Missed periods can occur too. Hot flashes often follow as estrogen levels flux. Mood changes, trouble sleeping, fatigue and vaginal dryness are other early symptoms.

When should I seek treatment for perimenopause?

Don't assume disruptive symptoms are something you need to tough out for years. We recommend making an appointment as soon as symptoms concern you. Getting detailed lab testing is key to determine if hormone imbalance could be causing symptoms. Identifying changes early allows us to protect long term health and relieve suffering sooner.

What are bioidentical hormones and why does Balance Hormone Clinic use them?

Bioidentical hormones have the exact same molecular structure as the estrogen, progesterone and testosterone made in your body. Common synthetic hormone replacements can create unwanted side effects. Balance Hormone Clinic only uses FDA-approved bioidentical hormones that seamlessly bind to your hormone receptors for more natural activity and relief without complications.

Is hormone therapy safe?

When hormone therapy is done right, it is extremely safe and effective for symptom relief with additional health benefits related to heart protection, bone building and breast health. Our specialist tailor therapy based on each woman's needs and risks. We provide regular follow up monitoring to ensure treatment is optimizing health not under or overdoing it. Precision is key for safety and results.

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